Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A case where Elizabeth Wong punishes herself quickly

The first time I have come across that a victim has to quit her office, subject to her final dicision after her 'deserved leave'.

If I refer to 'Lingam's tape case', I should say that Elizabeth Wong is 'the queen of her house' and can do what she wishes.

It is strange and very unusual that a victim should be punished by herself quickly simply because of her so-called xx pictures exposed to the public.

Things should not be so simple as from what we saw and heard.

Those took the pictures and exposed them publicly are deemed to be the unconvicted culprit pending trial and should be severely punished under our law.

The offer to quit her posts reflects that she did things prematurely and considered as 'jump the gun' before a real culprit is to be punished.

A horse is normally put before the cart,but in this case the horse is put behind the cart. it is absurd and never mind let us wait and see...